Decryption and Analysis of a "Shell" Backdoor

UPDATE [l] : shortly after finishing this post, I had decided to do a couple scans of the raw code. The results returned several Shell Trojan variants, and doing some permanent damage to windows systems. Reports available at ] VirusTotal ] and [ Malwr ]. Thanks to both services for the great results. It attempted network connx with the original url, not surprise from a webshell, IMO, only a bit strange that the likely 0wn/Op would keep such a trophy case in the wild like that? I mean really??. I would've expected an http request or few since nce that's who was hosting the assets but the requests were made to connect to "Hostthshellcode and then starts the endless streaming of the v1c's data and a continual stream of fresh code for the mal to swap out. This only confirmed the feeling I had about the src code. Multiple langs being used, illogical syntax and it's all just mixed together... if anyone can answer how this can support the back and forth exec using Perl,...